Friday, November 12, 2010



After talking with Arthur, there is no way to cut the text with the CNC, it is not like the laser cutter. the scale and font art just won't work, the scale is the main issue. WHAT A BUMMER. so on ward to plan B - stenciling. considered using the laser cutter to cut the text, but it really seems like more hassle than its worth to just make it by hand at this point.

we also talked a little bit about why he works digital, i really couldn't understand why a 3-d artist would work soo heavily with computers and digi.fab. so basically from what i took from his reply to "so why how did you start working in digi.fab?" was that it started as a rendering tool, and then an output tool. it makes much more sense from that approach, insofar as its a tool used not applied. which is where i think, many of our projects are really lacking. this is to say the way the project is planned, and plotted out.

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